About Hypnosis


Analytical Therapy

Suggestion Therapy

The International Association of Hypno-Analysts

About Peter

Fees, Appointments
& Directions



Copyright © Peter Back 2003
All Rights Reserved

Welcome from Peter

Typical Problems

Fears and Phobias

Stop Smoking

Privacy Policy


Surrey Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy - Works with you to enlighten your life and improve your health

Peter Back D.Hyp MIAH

Consultant - Analytical and Clinical Hypnotherapy
Woking, Surrey, UK

Tel. 08707 606765 (24 Hours)
e-mail: PeterBack@Surrey-Hypnotherapy.com

Fees, Appointments & Directions


A free 30-60 minute initial consultation is offered. This allows you to meet Peter and discuss your particular problems in relation to the therapies available, decide whether Peter is the right person to help you, and identify the most suitable form of approach to treatment. Or you might feel that you would like to find out more about the therapy and the procedures involved, before deciding to go ahead with the therapy.

Fees are payable at each consultation by either cheque or cash, one session in advance.

The fee for a single 60-90 minute stop smoking session is fixed at £145. However for other sessions, for suggestion therapy and for analysis the fees vary, dependent upon both the nature of the presenting symptom, the therapy required for treatment, and the total number of sessions required. Discounts are also available for ‘block bookings’ of more than 1 session, and for payment in advance. This means that a single session of treatment will typically cost between £40 and £70, making the cost of each session comparable with other routine everyday expenditure, such as buying: a full tank of petrol; or the weekly grocery food bill; or a decent pair of shoes; or a nice hair do.

In cases of financial hardship it might be possible to negotiate a more affordable fee, according to individual circumstances. As far as is practical, no one will be refused therapy for genuine financial reasons.


All consultations are strictly by appointment only, it is regretted that casual callers cannot be seen. All therapy is individual and fully confidential. (Note. It is possible to bring a friend or colleague to a free initial consultation, if required. However, your friend will have to leave the consulting room at the commencement of any therapy that might be agreed.)

To arrange an appointment for a free initial consultation please contact Peter directly, either:

by telephone: 08707 606765 (24 Hours),
or e-mail:

Peter tries to respond directly to all telephone calls between 9.30 am and 10.30 am, for the purposes of making and changing appointments. At other times it is likely that your call will be taken by ansaphone, as Peter could well be in a session with a client; in which case please leave your first and last name and contact details. Peter will respond to each and every enquiry as soon as possible.

If leaving a telephone message, or e-mailing a message, please:

1. Very briefly, in one or two sentences, outline the nature of the problem.
2. Include your Name, Address, Telephone Number.

...and please try to speak clearly if leaving a telephone message.

Peter will respond to each and every enquiry as soon as possible. Alternatively, appointments can be arranged using letter post; if this is more convenient for you.

A strict code of ethics enforced by the International Association of Hypno-Analysts will govern the conduct of your session.

Location & Directions

Full details and directions to consulting rooms may be accessed as follows:

Sandcroft, Woking, Surrey, UK

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